The Ukala Community

Ukala Okpunor and Ukala Okwute

Ukala Okpunor and Ukala Okwuteare autonomous clan in the present day Oshimili-North Local Govt Area of Delta State of Nigeria.

Ukala has six principal and traditional Oluizele Chieftaincy titles with their greetings which are:

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We have seven “NZES” in Ukala for both Ukala Okpunor and Ukala Okwute as follows:

  1. Nze Ogbe Ojoba and Ogbe Odua
  2. Nze Ogbe Ogene
  3. Nze Umu Owelle

All these are Umuisizor

  1. Nze Umu Isienwe
  2. Nze Umu Akale
  3. Nze Umu Iyase

Umu Itono

  1. Nze Umu Ezeze – The last Village

This Nze is a traditional MAICE and authority to guide the Village.

More about Ukala

The Great ONYIMOESI Ukala whose descendant where sons; Isiuzor and Itono. Isiuzor has three (3) children, Itono had one (1). Isiuzor begot Ousaeze, Ojoba and Egbe. Itono begot Ele. Ele is the father of Ugboma and Ebo, Ugboma is the father of Akwa, Ugwu and Ukpa.

Isiuzor is the first son of Ukala, Itono his second son.Ojeoba the first son of Isiuzor was the first Obi of Ukala followed by the 15 others as Obi Orumabe of Umutono, the last Obi well recognised of Ukala was the last Obi Joseph Ogabu Okoh HRM. Obi ogbuenyi Okeibunor; of Ukala. The Ogbe-ani (the oldest man in Ukala) during his reign was Ogbuenyi Ngadaonye Nnabuife of Umu-Akele Umutono. When the Obi died, Obi Chukwudi Ikade was made Obi but was not recognised by the Govt. till he died.


Members and leaders of Ukala Community Development Union USA

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